End of Life Training


UCLH designed a one day Talking DNACPR course in response to what happened in June 2014, where the Court of Appeal ruled that the human rights of a of terminally ill patient were violated when a do not resuscitate notice was placed on her records without her being consulted. This case ensures that patients are now included in discussions about do not attempt CPR decisions.


Professional Role Players provided UCLH with highly skilled actors to incorporate Forum Theatre as a method of learning. This allows course delegates to:

  • Steer the course in any direction allowing endless possibilities to be explored
  • Have a better understanding of dealing with sensitive subjects
  • Consolidate their learning


Feedback from course delegates demonstrates a real increase in confidence and much more awareness of the benefits of the multi-professional approach as well as much greater knowledge of the patient perspectives and legal context.

This course was also short-listed in the End of Life category of the Health Service Journal 2015 Patient Safety Award which is run annually to celebrate the safety in the health service.
